
At the heart of the Feminist Park Project lies a profound and transformative message: green urban spaces are not mere neutral backdrops to our lives but are imbued with the histories, biases, and perspectives of those who shaped them. These spaces, conceived and constructed by predominantly white, straight, cisgender men, inherently reflect a singular reality—one that often overlooks the diverse experiences and needs of others. In these carefully manicured lawns and orderly rows of trees, we see the echoes of a worldview that prioritizes certain forms of safety, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal. Yet, this vision rarely aligns with the lived realities of women, non-binary individuals, and marginalized communities. Our parks, while seemingly inviting, often whisper the exclusions of those not considered in their planning—whispers that speak of overlooked paths, unlit corners, and amenities that cater to one demographic while sidelining all others. 

The mission is to address the gender disparities in urban park design and usage, as observed by Fernández Núñez, who noted that “while men are well-catered for in these spaces (e.g., in terms of safety and accessibility), women are often left out in their own needs and preferences [...] some parks, because of their amenities, features, and design, are seemingly more oriented to men’s needs and preferences, thus being more used by men than women.” This project is revolutionary because it redefines public spaces to be inclusive, ensuring that urban parks can serve as starting points for feminist initiatives that extend to neighborhoods, districts, states, and eventually the world. The Feminist Park Project endeavors to rewrite this narrative, infusing these green urban spaces with the richness of diverse voices and experiences. By acknowledging and addressing the inherent biases in the design and planning of our public spaces, we aspire to create environments where everyone can feel seen, safe, and valued. This is not just a reimagining of space but a reclamation of it—a powerful assertion that parks, too, must evolve to reflect the vibrant tapestry of humanity. Through this lens, every bench, every pathway, every tree becomes a testament to inclusivity and shared belonging, a step towards a future where green spaces truly serve the whole community.

To advance its mission, the Feminist Park Project hosts a variety of events that foster dialogue and engagement. The "Podium Discussion: Period, Piss and Parks - A Night of Film and Conversation" sparks important conversations about gendered experiences in public spaces. The "RADICAL PICNIC: REIMAGINING MAUERPARK AS A FEMINIST SAFE(er) (GREEN)SPACE" exemplifies practical applications of these concepts. Additionally, the student workshop at Hafencity University, talk at the symposium at Bauhaus University and the Feminist Park Summer School provide platforms for critical thinking and creative problem-solving with large groups of people. These activities collectively contribute to the project's objectives by promoting intersectional eco-feminism, environmental justice, and the creation of anti-racist green urban spaces. Through symposiums and collaborative efforts, the Feminist Park Project continues to inspire and drive transformative change in urban planning and public space design.

Across the globe, feminist researchers from Italy, Spain, and Mexico are eagerly reaching out, driven by the shared vision of the Feminist Park Project. They seek to transform their urban landscapes into inclusive, empowering spaces. Collaborating with them, we exchange wisdom and designs to reflect the diverse realities of each unique locale. This global movement unites us in reimagining public spaces as sanctuaries of safety, expression, and community for all. Together, we are crafting a legacy of green urban havens where every individual can thrive, feel safe, and be truly seen.

We invite you to join us in shaping the future of inclusive urban spaces by sharing your vision in our survey, regardless of where you live. Your insights and ideas are invaluable in creating feminist parks that reflect and serve the diverse needs of all communities. Let's collaborate to transform public spaces into havens of safety, expression, and belonging. Share your voice and help us build a greener, more inclusive world for everyone.